Letter of the week – P

Molly pulled out her Crazy 8 cards and asked, "Can we play patterns?" It was the perfect impromptu game to start off our P week.

Bug patterns

We made a pink pig for our P craft.

A pink pig

After 2 attempts to get the dough right, we were finally able to make whole wheat soft pretzels. Molly helped me roll them, "paint" them with egg whites and sprinkled them with salt.

Painting pretzels

We made some bubble wrap prints,

Bubble wrap prints

and finally played with the pattern blocks she got for her birthday.

Pattern blocks

Molly had so much fun painting with our homemade puff paint. You can see a video of her painting here.

Our little Picaso

For our stART project, we made blueberry pancakes just like Curious George in Curious George Makes Pancakes.

Curious George Makes Pancakes

Blueberry pancakes

You can check out what other moms are doing with their tots at 1+1+1=1.


  1. emkenton says:

    This pig-lover just had to give a shout-out to the letter/animal of the week! Whoo-hoo!! Curious George and his crazy pancake-making is a fave over here, as well!

  2. Melanie says:

    I love those bubble wrap prints! I’ll have to see if Jillian will do it for me (once I’m off bed rest of course…). Usually when I give her something new to paint with, she tries it for about a minute and then goes with her hands instead!

  3. Fiona says:

    Love all the painting. I need to get the paints out more!!

  4. Alright, Alright, I have to say…that little pig is adorable.

    I am hosting a a new blog collaboration called The Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection. Would you want to possibly link this alphabet craft (and any others) up to the collection? We would love you feature you.

    Thanks so much,

    Cathy @ The Attached Mama

  5. Marla says:

    Love the idea of Puff Paint! And I think my daughter will love it, too! We did P a few weeks ago, and this week I plan to do some review….so this activity will be great!

  6. kewkew says:

    Thanks for sharing the P pig craft over at The Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection. We made it today to go with our Pp week and If You Give a Pig a Pancake story. Will be posting about it later this week and linking back to your blog.
    The puff paint and the pretzels are on my to do soon list

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