Preschool graduation
Last week was a big day for Leah - graduation day! Which meant it was Leah’s last day of preschool. This is very bittersweet as we love our preschool. I can’t believe she’s gotten so big.

For reference, here she was on her first day of preschool this year.

And her first day last year.

And for good measure, from the year before, her very first day of preschool.

Jen made Leah a new dress for her preschool graduation. She was a bit crunched to find sewing time with G’Mom and Grampa in town, but the dress was finished on time!

Here’s Leah sitting up front in her cap, gown, and stole, ready to graduate.

Hey, that’s me!

Here’s a taste of what the graduation ceremony was like for those who could not be present.
Of note, her teacher predicts that she will be a “Broadway musical star”. If you look back 3 years to Molly’s graduation video, you’ll find that she was predicted to be a “Broadway superstar”. I guess it runs in the family.
And here she is receiving her diploma.

Smile! I had to take this quickly before she hurried off the steps.

Here’s Leah with Miss Kelly and Miss Kathy.

Molly really wanted to be there for Leah’s graduation, so we relented and let her skip school for the morning to attend.

Grams, Jen, and I were there too.

Leah’s a popular girl in her class. She may be drawn on the top of one of these boys’ hats.

Friends, graduates. In cute dresses.

We managed to avoid being too sad about the end of preschool because Leah was signed up for a 1 week day camp at her preschool the following week. So, graduation wasn’t the end. Sadly, today is the last day of that camp. So, now it really is the end. And now my eyes seem to be wet for some reason. Congratulations, Leah!
great family pic!!! so glad ECP was such a rewarding experience for you all these years! onward and upward!